Eriobotrya japonica
The loquat, also known as the loquat, belongs to the rose family (Rosaceae). It is particularly valued for its aromatic, apricot-like fruits and is also a popular ornamental tree. The loquat is harvested in late spring (April to June). The small, golden yellow to orange fruits have a juicy, sweet and sour pulp with one to five large seeds. They are eaten fresh, made into jam or processed into liqueurs and juices.
The loquat tree originally comes from the temperate and subtropical regions of China and was cultivated in Japan centuries ago, where it is still one of the most important fruit trees. Today it is widespread in warm regions around the world, including the Mediterranean, California, South Africa and Australia.

The tree is widespread in Mallorca and stands out in every garden with its large, dark leaves. I didn't know of this tree before moving here and discovered it during my search for property.
The loquat tree prefers sunny to partially shaded locations and thrives best in well-drained, nutrient-rich soil. Eriobotrya japonica grows into a small, evergreen tree. The fragrant, cream-colored flowers open in winter and are popular with bees and other pollinators because they bloom at a time when not much else is blooming.

Die Früchte der Wollmispel sind reich an Vitamin A, Ballaststoffen und Antioxidantien. Neben dem Frischverzehr sind sie eine beliebte Zutat für Desserts, Kuchen und Konfitüren.
The loquat is one of the most popular cough remedies in the Far East, it is the ingredient of many patent medicines. The leaves are analgesic, antibacterial, antiemetic, antitussive, antiviral, astringent, diuretic and expectorant. A decoction of the leaves or young shoots is used as an intestinal astringent and as a mouthwash in cases of thrush and also in the treatment of bronchitis, coughs, feverish colds etc. The leaves are harvested as required and can be used fresh or dried. The hairs should be removed from the leaves in order to prevent irritation of the throat.

Habitat: subtropical, sunny or semi-shade
Origin: China, Japan
Flower: white
Flowering time: october-january
Harvest time: april-juni
Growth: up to 5 meters high
Edible parts: fruits (without seeds)
Plants found at Son Selva: 3
A sunny to partially shaded spot in the garden that is protected from rain and wind is ideal for Eriobotrya japonica. During the growing season, loquats need to be watered regularly and thoroughly. Frequent drought leads to brown leaves, but the plant tolerates occasional drying out quite well. To encourage branching, it is advisable to remove the tips of the young plants several times from May to August. Corrective cuts can be made after the harvest in summer or in February/March.
The Japanese loquat is very robust. Light frosts down to -8 degrees Celsius do not harm the plant. The ideal winter temperature is around ten degrees Celsius.
The species is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) and is pollinated by Insects.