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Follow the path

Writer's picture: Scarlet AllenScarlet Allen

The theft

After an enchanting first night on the property, the first setback came promptly: my tent and all its contents were stolen. That left me puzzled as the property is really difficult to access and it was a real bummer. But I didn't let that drag me down for long and just look forward. Because of this incident, I got to know all the neighbors faster than anticipated. I was warmly welcomed and everyone is looking forward to a breath of fresh air in the "barrio".

Thanks to your donations, tree sponsorships and memberships (and thanks to my insurance), I was able to buy my beloved electric chainsaw once again and a brushcutter on top of that. Thank you to everyone who supported us financially!

How you can support this project:


CHF 50 per year

Help us buy building materials, seeds, compost and tools! With your contribution we will revive the barren property and cover our daily expenses.

As a thank you, you will receive an annual postcard from Son Selva, access to our growing knowledge page, and our infinite gratitude.

Tree Sponsorship CHF 300 Become a proud sponsor of one of the 30 trees we will be planting this winter! Every tree converts CO2, protects the soil from erosion and provides us and wildlife with shade and food. As a thank you, you will receive a photo of your tree every year for 10 years and everything that the members get on top.

The new guard dog

Everyone who is concerned about my safety because of the theft, can rest easy: the seven-month-old Border Collie Pino is now part of the family and loves running around at Son Selva. We picked him up from the shelter two weeks after we bought the property and have been inseparable ever since. The little one isn't the best guard dog, but he digs efficiently and with a lot of passion.

The whole Pino story is already available as a video on YouTube.

The new path

In order to plant or build something on the property, we first have to be able to drive through the property at all. Old aerial photos from 1989 clearly show a path through the forest to the almond plantation, which I now want to restore. There are 160 meters which we have cut free with our new tools. It was exhausting but also very liberating. On YouTube you can watch us sweating and follow how we slowly turn a scrub into a barely passable "road". (Part 2 will follow next week!)

Auf YouTube kannst du uns beim Schwitzen zuschauen und verfolgen wie wir langsam ein Gestrüpp in eine knapp fahrbare "Strasse" verwandeln. (Teil 2 folgt nächste Woche!) Hier ist tatsächlich der Weg das Ziel und zwar ein sehr wichtiges, von dem alle weiteren Schritte abhängen.

The next steps

The most important things first: As soon as the path is passable, the basics can be ordered and delivered. That's a water tank, heaps of compost, and building materials. Then follow the next steps:

- Plant the first 30 trees (many thanks to all tree sponsors!)

- Cut back almond and carob trees

- Set up irrigation

- Buy building materials and tools (donations are very welcome!)

- Build a compost toilet

- Chop wood for mulch and make biochar

You can look forward to a lot of action. Thank you for your interest, your support and hasta pronto!




Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, inputs, if you want to support the project or just want to chat about permaculture!


Scarlet Allenspach

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Fotocredit: Marina Llopis

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