Support the transfer of knowledge for a more sustainable future with a onetime donation! Every contribution is welcome and helps us to start and set up this project! The most crucial help we need now is setting up our infrastructure.
Bank Account for Donations:
Scarlet Alexandra Allenspach
IBAN: ES44 0061 0148 3101 8671 0170
Banca March, Mallorca
All our supporters are mentioned at the end of every YouTube video.
Thank you!
Eine Spende tätigen
Kommentar (optional)
Säen Sie mit Ihrer Patenschaft die sprichwörtliche Saat für dieses Projekt! Wir haben einen langen, aber spannenden Weg vor uns! Hilf uns, dieses Projekt zu verwirklichen, und wählen dazu eine der folgenden Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten aus.
Become a member, help us to get building materials, seeds, compost and tools to make it happen! With your support we will cover everyday expenses and will bring the land back to life.
What you get:
- A postcard from Son Selva once a year.
- Our annual report of this project.
- Your name on the end of every YouTube video.
- Access to the ever growing plant knowledge site.
- Our infinite gratitude.
Sponsor one of our old trees!
Besides planting new trees, we want to save as many of the old almond and carob trees of the existing orchard.
What you get:
- A tree with your name tag on it. We will revitalize it, water and take care of it for you.
- A picture of your tree once a year for 5 years.
- A certificate of your sponsorship.
- Our annual report of this project.
- Your name on the end of every YouTube video.
Become a proud sponsor of a tree and be one of the first to start our food forest! Tree sponsorships are limited. This winter we will be planting 30 trees.
What you get:
- A tree with your name tag on it. We will plant, water and take care of it for you.
- A picture of your tree once a year for 10 years.
- A certificate of your sponsorship.
- Our annual report of this project.
- Your name on the end of every YouTube video.
- Access to the ever growing plant knowledge site.
- Our infinite gratitude.
Werde unser Sponsor
Auch wenn wir mit diesem Projekt noch ganz am Anfang stehen, haben wir eine große Reichweite von Menschen, die sich uns für eine nachhaltigere Zukunft anschließen möchten. Werden Sie offizieller Sponsor von Son Selva und Ihr Unternehmen wird auf der Website, in den sozialen Medien sowie am Ende von jedem erwähnt Youtube Video.